Imagine having so little going on in your life that you feel compelled to comment on another person’s body and/or wardrobe choices.
Sadly, there are emotionally damaged adults like these who take out their frustrations on youngsters like Madison Haulter.
Internet trolls publicly humiliated Haulter.
She looked stunning in a figure-hugging pink sequin gown. Tre Booker, her boyfriend, donned a similar pink tie and boutonniére with his black suit. They both appeared to be superhuman. And they were the picture-perfect pair.
Haulter captioned her prom pics “Prom with the loml ” on Twitter. If you’re not familiar with how youngsters nowadays communicate, LOML stands for “love of my life.”
Prom with the loml 💗
— madison booker (@madisonfaithhh_) April 29, 2017
Some people made the decision to take time out of their lives to destroy the couple’s joyful moment.
And who wouldn’t admire Booker’s girlfriend?
Even without a gown, Haulter looked like a movie star that day and is wonderfully attractive (possibly on the inside as well).
The commenter obviously has physique and self-love issues that they choose to transfer upon Haulter.
At the very least, they were astute enough to perceive the couple’s affection.
The internet, however, was not going to let detractors ruin the couple’s day. They made the post go viral and flooded it with positive comments.
Applauding Haulter for her stunning appearance and the cute couple she and Booker made.

The kindness and praises surpassed the hatred by a wide margin.
She believe strongly in not reacting to hatred with hate, Haulter told. Do everything with love, says Haulter.
Strangers weren’t the only ones who came to Haulter’s rescue.
Booker did not waste time answering or addressing his detractors.
He simply wanted to make sure his lady understood how he thought about her. She is not overweight. God created her specifically for him. She is flawless. He could stare at her all day, he added, accompanied by a ring emoji.
Many people praised him for standing up for his partner. He acted as any decent lover or friend would.
I mean, there were total strangers who would gladly have her back. People also dubbed him “soft” for adoring his fiancée and writing so much about her.
Imagine being so insecure that you can’t compliment your girlfriend.
However, Booker didn’t seem to mind. He stated that he wants for all to understand how much he adores her. And their demonstration of affection isn’t just for show.
Best day of my life
— madison booker (@madisonfaithhh_) April 6, 2020
Booker and Haulter have married and will live together for the rest of their lives. Their love is some real #relationshipgoals!
This tale should serve as an example to always act with compassion and love.