- Police Officer Keeping A Man Company At A Bus Stop
- This Boy Offering A Bottle Of Water To A Policeman During A Hot Day In Baltimore
- These Boys See This Homeless Man Everyday On Their Way To School So They Decided To Help Him Out
- A couple of months ago, an elderly lady asked me to walk her home because she was scared she was going to slip on the ice. We’ve become friends and now I walk her home almost everyday.
- At a Waffle House in La Marque, Texas, this elderly man told the waitress that his hands weren’t working too good. He was also on oxygen and struggling to breathe. Without hesitation, she took his plate and began cutting his ham.
- Volunteers Helping Flood Victims Evacuate In Houston

- NFL running back Aaron Jones helping a random woman through the airport when there was no one available to help her
- The Man Needed A Kidney, And A Class Mate From 50 Years Ago Who He Barely Knew Answer The Call
- 12-Year Old Boy, Hugging A Police Officer At A Ferguson Protest In Portland
- A Stranger Helping Out Another Stranger Struggling With His Tie
- This Man Reads Everyday At Lunch To A Man Who Cannot
- Man In Red Needed Help With Son’s Math Homework And Got It From A Stranger On The Subway
So today on my way from work the guy in the red sat down opened up his folder and started reading. A few stops later the guy next to him sat down and asked him what he’s studying: “You look a little confused maybe I can help?”. He says his son failed a math test: “They’re learning fractions so I’m just teaching myself this over again so I can help him I’m 42 & don’t know any of this so I’m re teaching myself.” The guy in the black informed him he use to be a math teacher so he asked the guy to quiz him and everything he got wrong or was confused about he broke it down and corrected him. By the end of my train ride the guy in the red had a better understanding. He can bring home a new method and teach his child. I really love seeing things like this especially in New York.
- Made cookies and brought them to the local nursing home. This is Mrs. Posey. She is 112 and the nurse said she hasn’t had a visitor in over 3 years.
- Christmas Elves Surprise The Homeless With Food And Gifts
- This is Anthony Borges, 15. He used his body to hold a classroom door shut, protecting 20 other students inside as the gunman fired through the door, hitting him five times. May he have a speedy recovery.
- Kindness. Pass it on.
- Someone falls asleep on his shoulder; lets him sleep 12 more stops claiming, “we’ve all had long days.”
- Charlotte officer talks to a potentially suicidal teen with autism
- Pararescueman Sgt. Mike Maroney reunited with a girl he saved 10 years ago during Hurricane Katrina.
- Officer Talks Man Out Of Committing Suicide. Eight Years Later, The Now-Father-Of-Two Gives The Officer An Award At The American Foundation Of Suicide

- So My Dads Tire Blew Up On The Freeway And This Dude, With A Confederate Flag Tattoo, Wearing A Confederate Flag T-Shirt, With Confederate Flag Car Stickers, Stopped And Changed Our Tire. My Mind Is Blown, Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

- Yesterday my daughter wanted to open a lemonade stand…on a Wednesday…when it was 72 degrees out. Business was slow until these two decided to stop. They made her day!
- Kid was desperately trying and failing to do it himself. Fellow passenger asked if he needed help. San Francisco today.
- Dons The Don
- There is a local group that cuts lawns for the elderly, disabled, and single parent mothers for free. Here they are with my grandma.
- Young man helping and older man down an escalator
- Louisville Police Officer helps encourage lady who has lost 200 pounds and did her first 10K.
- This is what makes America great.
- Kids Do What They Feel. These Two Strangers Just Hugged In A Fast Food Restaurant
- Paramedics Were Helping This Little Ones Mommy Onto A Stretcher And This Kind Officer Took Over The Babies Feed
- A 22 year old guy from Harlem befriended an 81 year old woman who he met playing Words with Friends over the past year. Last week he traveled to Florida and met her in person for the first time.
- Waiter helping to feed disabled lady so her husband can finish his meal. Good job good man.
- This is my Uber driver Beni, he took me to the hospital and keeping me company since most of my family lives out of the state.
- Dude saw a little old lady was having trouble bagging some stuff so he stopped and held her bag open for her. Small act but man did it make my day…
- Awesome Professor

- ‘100 Suits’ Nonprofit Gives New Suit And Fresh Start To Men Getting Out Of Prison
- She took me in 15 years ago and no one makes me as happy. We had the best Xmas. I love my Granma so much.
I grew up in a kids home (orphanage) after losing my parents. She was my key worker there as well as my carer. When I was too old to live there and had to move out. She was retiring at the time after 40 years as a carer and said that she couldn’t stand to lose me, which kinda works out great because I love her and I couldn’t stand to lose her either.
- Every time I️ come to my gym, this man is helping this employee with calculus.
- Baseball Fan Holding Umbrella Over JROTC Member On Memorial Day
- Faith In Humanity Restored