Story by Karen DeLoach (Author)
When I was a little girl, I dreamed that one day my Prince Charming would come. Fairy tales tickled my imagination. Maybe I would be lying asleep on a white, lacy canopy bed when, like Sleeping Beauty, my Prince would drop a soft kiss on my lips. I would awaken to a romantic new life. Or maybe he would ride up to my house on a white steed. The slipper would fit my foot, and we would ride off to the castle together to begin living happily ever after. I dreamed of someday, far-off romance.
When I was a teenager, I dreamed my Prince Charming would arrive in a 1965 red-hot Mustang convertible. The muscles in his arm would ripple when he opened the car door for me. The wind would blow through my hair as he laid rubber and we drove off into the sunset together – to live happily ever after. I dreamed of not-too-distant-in-the-future romance.

When I was a young woman, my dreams were more practical, yet forever tinged with romance. My Prince Charming, handsome and tall, would be a strong, stalwart bread-winner, my protector from the storms of life. Yet he would also be a romantic who would celebrate every little occasion with elegant red roses or friendly nosegays of daisies. On more important dates, he would surprise me with romantic getaways and candlelit dinners. Oh yes, my soon-to-be husband was the perfect man. We would live happily ever after. I dreamed of love and a romantic life.
When I was a middle-aged woman, my perception of romance changed. Passion was a luxury to be savored. Fairytale daydreams reserved for special occasions. True romance showed up in the day to day ordinary events of life. Times that my Prince Charming remembered I liked strawberry-frosted doughnuts when chocolate was his favorite. Rainy nights when I came home late, and he ran out to my car to see if I needed help. Those late night moments when he craved a bowl of ice cream and brought me some, too. The times of sickness or hardship or loss when nothing in life was romantic in the least, and yet his presence brought comfort and reassurance. The romance of middle age was not fluff and spun sugar, but solid and safe and sweet.
Now, I’m an elderly woman. My dreams are of the past – of the satisfying life I lived with my Prince Charming. He was a good provider, always my protector. Even when his muscles weakened and his hair thinned, his handsome demeanor never faded, never failed to move me. Flowers didn’t rain down on every occasion, as I thought they would. The romantic getaways were few and far between. If we dined by candlelight, I was the one who lit the candles. Yet our love never faded; it only grew. And now he’s gone, and our life together on earth has ended. I can only cherish past romance. I dream of seeing him again one day in Heaven.
And yet, as I lie on my bed at night, I know I’m not alone. The Creator of the universe, the Lover of my soul, will never leave me or forsake me. He is my provider and my protector.
As I lie here, He reminds me that He has been with me from the beginning. Before God formed me in my mother’s womb, He knew me (Jeremiah 1:5). He saw me when I was a little girl dreaming of fairy tales. He was calling me to Himself, even then.
When I was a teenager, dreaming of young romance, His thoughts were on me. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the LORD. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope’” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT). He continued to draw me to Him.
When I was a young wife, desiring romance amidst the humdrum of daily life, His promise was for me. “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires” (Psalm 37:4 NLT). His promise was not just for this earth but for eternity.
And in my loneliness for the love of my life, God reminds me of His promise “…the sorrows of widowhood will be remembered no more, for your Creator will be your husband. The Lord Almighty is his name! He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth” (Isaiah 54:4b-5 NLT). Even in my old age, He is drawing me.
God the Father plants that longing for romance in our hearts. And though He blesses us with romance, love, and companionship in our earthly relationships, what He really desires is for each one of us to have a divine romance with Him. No matter what our age or gender, He desires a personal relationship with us. If we surrender to Him, He will sweep us off our feet, and we will live with Him happily ever after for all eternity.
“May I have this dance? A divine romance?
I’ll take you by the hand and waltz through eternity.
Put your trust in Me. Will you let Me lead?
I’ll sweep you off your feet,
If you’ll let Me have this dance.”
(from the song May I Have This Dance? by Stephen Hinkle)
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