Have you ever called your mother-in-law “Monster-in-Law”? It might be tough to live with a terrible mother in law on a daily basis. Because they may feel intimidated by your presence, mother-in-laws might be domineering and judgemental. Read the story to know why this daughter-in-law faked her pregnancy and do you agree with her idea?
Source: Reddit
My MIL moved in with us a month ago. I began to notice my stuff in the bedroom being touched. Furniture rearranged, stuff moved et cetera…
I felt like I was going crazy because my husband is the only one who has access to the bedroom and he doesn’t usually touch nor come near my things. I figured it must be his mom walking in and snooping on my personal things. I told my husband and he said his mom would never…I had a huge hunch but couldn’t install a cam in the bedroom to catch her in act.
So, I got me one of those fake positive pregnancy tests and threw it in the bedroom’s trash can. note the trashcan was placed in the corner near the closet.
Literally the next day after I got to work, I got tons of calls and texts from my inlaws “congratulating” me for my “pregnancy”. My husband came over to my workplace and was all worked up about it asking since when I was pregnant, and why I didn’t tell him. I asked how he found out and he said his mom found the positive test in the trashcan in the bedroom. I asked if his answer just confirmed that she’s been snooping in the bedroom all along. He had a “realization” moment but demanded we stick to the bigger issue, I said there was no bigger issue because the positive test was fake and this whole thing was done to expose my MIL’s snooping. He was not convinced. He had me take an actual test right in front of him and he was livid asking how could I lie about such a thing and break his mom’s heart since I know…very well that she longs for kids. I got a lot of sh*t because of this from him, his mom and family now calling me a liar and manipulator.
Did I go too far here?
important info: nothing gets takes or goes missing from the bedroom. just to be clear.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: