Source: Reddit
My dad married this woman called Leah when I was 14. Leah had a 2 year old daughter at the time. My mom died when I was 8. I was never close to Leah or her daughter and my dad and I had a relationship that was not so great, so I moved out and didn’t speak to them again. Then a year after I moved out I got the call that my dad and his wife had died and Leah’s daughter had no family who wanted to take her. Her mom’s family said no, no bio father was known and my dad’s family didn’t want her either. I was mentioned to them as a sibling and they wanted to know if I wanted her. I said no. Apparently she was bounced around a lot but now has settled into a foster family.
Her foster mother knows about me and apparently so does Leah’s daughter, who has told them I’m her sister. Leah’s foster mother tracked me down on social media and said she wants to facilitate some kind of sibling relationship. I told her we were not siblings, that I had barely known her and she was a stepsibling I had not grown up with and how I wasn’t interested in one now.
I figured she would leave it alone, but she did not. Saying how her daughter missed me, how she desperately wanted someone from her bio family, to which I explained yet again that I am not biologically related to her. She said that I was still part of the nuclear family she had before her parents died. I told her I was not. She then told me I should be ashamed of myself for rejecting her, that her whole family rejected her and how awful we all are. I told her to f**k off. That I owed her the least because we were not family and that she should chase after Leah’s family if she wanted to attack someone.
She accused me of being hostile. It was only when I was talking to a friend that she said that maybe the foster mother was just trying to give Leah’s daughter some kind of connection to the people she called mom and dad and that I should have just ignored her instead of getting so mad about it, because she’s doing what nobody else wanted to do. Am I wrong?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: