
Woman Hands Over Money And A Heartfelt Note To The Deputy Who Awaited For A Kidney Transplant.

Source: Facebook

This lady right here is a saint! Deputy Corey Loftice is in stage 5 kidney failure and awaiting a kidney transplant. This lady, Mrs. Cooks, a total stranger to not only Corey, but to the rest of us at the Grady County Sheriff’s Office, walked in our door one day with some money. She told me she needed an envelope to put it in and she wrote a note on it. The note said, ‘God Bless You Deputy Corey, I want you to know I’m praying for you.’ She then told me she had Corey on her prayer list at church.

Since that first day, many months ago, this lady comes into the Sheriff’s Office just about weekly and asks to talk to me, she asks me for an envelope and she always writes a note to Corey. She walks to the Sheriff’s Office to do this. This afternoon she did even more, she made Corey a Thanksgiving meal. She fixed it for him and his family, so they wouldn’t have to worry about cooking. Mrs. Cooks is battling an illness of her own, she doesn’t talk a lot about it, but she did tell me about it one day.

These pictures are the day she finally met Corey, he was back in the office and I told her I had a surprise for her. This was a very sweet moment, she started to cry. I wanted to share this with everyone because I think it is a truly heartwarming story. 

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