Your fashion choices, it appears, might put a strain on your friendship. Some people believe that you can only wear a single dress a certain number of times. A Canadian woman stated that she wears a blue dress to all of her friends’ weddings in California, because her warm-weather wardrobe is restricted. When she was invited to a friend’s wedding, she was advised not to wear her renowned gown. Read the story and let us know what you would have done in this situation.
Source: Reddit
I live in Canada now with my husband but went to grade school in the states. So all my clothes are for cold weather only and I only have a small amount of dresses, skirts, and warm weather attire.
Most of my friends are in the states (California) and when I’m there I rotate 3 dresses (a black one, blue one and one for the holidays) and a couple of shorts. So I’ve worn the same blue dress for all my friend’s weddings and in the latest one I got an invite to my friend’s wedding with the message, “don’t you dare wear that same blue dress”.
I’ve been teased by my friends about wearing the same thing. I also think the culture in California is to have a large wardrobe since a I’ve never seen my friends wear the same thing twice (not that I’m that observant) while I only have a small wardrobe and most of my clothes are for function and work (I’m a civil engineer) rather than parties since I only go out a few times a year and it’s too cold for dresses normally.
Am I a Jerk for wearing the same dress to all my friend’s weddings and do I have to buy a new dress for my friend’s wedding when she specifically said I can’t wear the same one? It’s not in bad shape; it’s only been worn a dozen times.
What would you do in her situation? Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: