
Woman Posts Pics Online To Ask Does She Dress Indecent As Her Husband Alleged.

Every relationship sails beautifully if there is love, respect, and understanding. One must be free to be just themselves. Nobody likes the feeling of being controlled. Scroll down to know what conflict took place between the couple and how you would deal with such a situation.

Source: Facebook

My fiancé and I have been together a year and I’ve always dressed how I want to. I’m confident and I enjoy clothes and accessories like a lot of women. At first it wasn’t a problem and now his comments don’t stop. It can be a bikini at a pool or just everyday items.

I wear a lot of dresses and sometimes heels or sometimes I look homeless in sweats lol. He has gained some weight so I feel like him picking on me is even worse. And to note that I absolutely do not have a problem with his weight gain.. weight loss.. etc. but he clearly does.

I’ve told him I’m gonna dress how I want to dress and he said I “act single”. Freaking help me tell him that this crap is stupid! I am attaching two pics for reference (if it lets me) on casual clothing for me. It might get “sexier” and definitely get more grungy lol.

And I know I’m friends with some people In this group which is fine. I’m just avoiding the possibilities of someone messaging him I don’t know with this mess so he really has something to talk about. Am I Wrong for feeling controlled?

What do you think about this situation? Any advice.

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