Source: Reddit
I’m 33f, my husband is the same age. He loathes Thanksgiving – he’s a picky eater and doesn’t like any of the options served except turkey, but even then he insists that my family doesn’t cook it right. He is NC with his side of the family except for his brothers so him going to see his family is not an option.
My sister recently moved closer so this year Thanksgiving is being held at her new house. This is the only reason the holiday came up this early. I was showing him pictures of the house from the old zillow listing and mentioned that I didn’t want to overwhelm her by visiting so early in moving in and that I’d just wait to see it for real at Thanksgiving. My husband grumbled something about having to attend and talk with my family. He is barely tolerant of my extended family (he doesn’t like their conversation topics, saying they all talk about themselves, they only talk about ‘old people things’, they say the same things every year, afaik they have never said anything rude to him personally but he still isn’t crazy about my side) and will just kind of hang out and talk to my dad or brother or play with my nieces/nephews.
Even if he did have a good conversation with my dad or played with my nephews he will still complain about having to see people he doesn’t care about and see all the ‘gross food’ we all eat. It is so difficult to listen to year after year. After he complained for a bit I told him to just not come for thanksgiving if he hates it that much. He sees all the members of my family that he likes for Christmas anyway. He looked offended at my suggestion and asked if I didn’t want his company. I told him I love him being around but not when he’s not having fun and is going to complain at the end. He said I hurt his feelings to even suggest that he not come with me to something he’s invited to. I told him if he’s not having fun at an event that he has no obligation to attend he doesn’t have to come. He still insists that he’s hurt and that he thinks now that I don’t want him there. Am I Overreacting? What else could I do?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: