Blended families may be challenging, particularly when a parent is trying to manage their relationship with a stepson or stepdaughter. Every parent wants to make sure that everyone in the family is content, but it may occasionally be challenging to satisfy everyone. Read the story and how you would react to such a situation.
Source: Reddit
I’m f33 engaged to my fiance, m36. I have a 4yo daughter and he has a 16 yo daughter.
He comes from a conservative family so we won’t move in together til after marriage. So far we’re on good terms as a blended family. But I noticed that my stepdaughter acts kind of distant towards my daughter. Everytime I tried to talk to my fiance about it he’d tell me to give the kids a chance to bond and warm up to each other.
My stepdaughter’s 16th birthday took place on sunday. Since she’s into baking. She decided to bake cupcakes instead of having an actual birthday cake.
My daughter and I went over to my fiance’s house to attend the party and I brought my stepdaughter a gift which was an iphone.
We sat down as she started serving everyone cupcakes. Then when it was my daughter’s turn, she bluntly said she was sorry but she didn’t save any for my daughter. I felt confused, I asked if she made enough cupcakes and whether there were guests that came uninvited. She said no and that she just didn’t make one for my daughter. I asked why, she refused to say. I was so mad and felt hurt on my daughter’s behalf. I got up and told my fiance that I wanted to leave. My fiance tried to stop me and offered his cupcake to my daughter but I refused to take it. On the way out, I grabbed the gift I bought for my stepdaughter and she stood there and watched. I could hear her yell “dad she took the iphone” while I was walking out with my daughter. My fiance tried to get me to go back inside but I refused.
Later, He came over and we had an argument. He said that I overreacted, and that I know how some teenagers can be moody and do random stuff without an explanation so I shouldn’t have taken it personally. I said she excluded my daughter and didn’t save her a cupcake but he said it was just a cupcake and then reminded me that he offered his cupcake and said I should’ve accepted it and called it a day. He said taking the iphone which was supposed to be a gift back was in poor taste and it might hurt my relationship with his daughter. I refused to give it to him so he could give it to her since she was crying about it. He left and was mad at me.
We haven’t talked since then except via texts.
Edit# She’s been wanting the iphone for a while and since her dad couldn’t buy it I decided it’d be nice if I gifted it to her.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: