Being blamed for lying when you have been fully honest is maybe the only thing worse than being lied to. Unfortunately, some individuals are generally so skeptical that if something appears even slightly odd, they will often leap to absurd conclusions. They are so skeptical, in fact, that they have difficulty believing others are speaking the truth. Read the story to know what arguments take place between this couple and what would you have done in this situation?
Source: Reddit
Title sounds gross I know, maybe it is a bit gross.
Background: me (F23) and boyfriend (m22) have been together for 6 months, good relationship, healthy sex life that we talk about a lot and communicate our needs etc. A month ago I had the implant fitted (contraception) which has given me weird frequent periods. The doctor told me they should go back to normal in a few months and to wait it out, which I’m doing because I like the convenience of the implant. English isn’t my first language so sorry for any bad writing.
We were in bed yesterday night watching TV and he went to initiate sex. I moved his hand away and said I was still on my period. My period had been going for about a week now so we’d not had sex in that time. Then my boyfriend made a really loud dramatic sigh and moved away from me. I said ‘sorry, I can’t help my periods.’
He replied ‘yeah sure.’ I said what was that supposed to mean? He wouldn’t give me a straight answer and kept saying ‘whatever’.
We didn’t talk for a while and kept watching TV in silence. Then he said ‘if you don’t want to have sex you can just say you know.’
I was kind of pissed off at this because I felt like he was saying I was faking being on my period. I told him I really was still on my period. He said no periods last longer than a week, and I told him that the doctor had said this was normal for some people on the implant at first and it will settle.
He told me that he didn’t believe me and so I called him an idiot (which wasn’t nice I know). He then started ranting that how could I call him an idiot when I was clearly a liar who must be cheating on him and getting sex elsewhere which is why I am lying about my periods. I couldn’t believe he was saying this because he’s never freaked out on me like this. Cheating has also never ever been mentioned in our relationship ever so I don’t know where this came from. It annoyed me so much that I got out of bed and pulled my trousers and pants down so he could see my sanitary towel that was bloody and shouted Could I fake this??
He screamed that I was fu**ing disgusting and left the room. I started laughing because of the ridiculousness of the situation and that pissed him off more, as he grabbed his keys and stormed out of the house.
I tried to text him but he ignored me, so I left him to it as I was pretty annoyed by his behaviour. I then got a text a few hours later around 11pm from his sister saying he had gone to his mom and dad’s house and told his sister what happened. She said what I had done was really disgusting and he’s refusing to come back unless I apologise. I told my friend what happened and she said he was being an idiot but that I also needed to apologise because what I did was ‘abhorrent’.
I’m annoyed with what he did but also think it was pretty gross of me to do that. I don’t really know why I did it, it was just a spur of the moment thing. So Am I A Jerk?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: