
Woman Shreds MIL List Into Pieces And Send Her A Picture. Family Drama Ensues.

Every relationship has its own place. A mother cannot be replaced by her mother-in-law. A new born baby needs his/her mom and dad the most. However, read the story to know what drama this mother-in-law created and let us know what you would do in this situation.

Source: Reddit

I’m prefacing this by saying that my f32 husband m34 is the only child in the family. His mom always ALWAYS wanted a grand baby and unfortunately she was never able to become a grandmother as my husband was married before and his ex was unable to have kids. He also tried adoption while single but couldn’t. When we found out that we were expecting MIL couldn’t believe it. She started visiting daily (didn’t do that in the past) started bringing stuff for the baby and paid a lot of money.

My son is now 4 weeks old. MIL retired right after he was born and told us she was making herself “free and available” for her grand baby. She stayed with me for a whole 2 weeks and only went home recently. Those 2 weeks were unbearable with her being all over me just to get take the baby.

I was getting fed up but I kept my mouth shut and played nice. Then she started complaining about missing her grand baby and not being able to see him everyday and watch him “grow”. She sent me a list called “visitation time”. In this lists she mentioned all the times when we’re expected to bring the baby to her. 5 days a week (and spending the weekend with her) hours from 10am to 5pm and saying she had a bottle ready for feeding and a closet full of diapers. Not just that but she wants him over night on Monday and Wednesday that’s 2 nights a week. Now as a new mom I couldn’t imagine having my newborn son away from me for that long and especially over night. I called her to give her my response which is a no but she ranted about how I need to lose up and stop being unreasonable and emotionally too attached. This pissed me off. So I took her list and and used scissors to shred it into pieces. I took a picture of the paper shred and sent to her hoping she’d get the message and get how serious I am about my “No”.

Apparently, she cried to my husband and the whole family because they claimed I was trying to keep her one and only grand baby away from her after she waited for so long to have him and my husband went on me after coming home from work to call my move childish and pathetic.

I still keep getting backlash over this and now I’m starting to think maybe I’m in the wrong for how I behaved the entire interaction with her but I was just trying to enforce my boundaries after she brushed them off. Am I really A Jerk?

Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted:

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