Every year with ones spouse offers new memories and accomplishments, and ones anniversary is a moment to honor the qualities one like the most in each other. Read the story to know what happened between this couple in their anniversary and share your thoughts on this.
Source: Reddit
My boyfriend (M30) and I (F33) celebrate our 4-year anniversary this month. As the official day falls on a weekday, we decided that we would do something on the weekend.
As we both work from home and we don’t live together, I wanted to surprise him on the morning of the official date and bring him a little breakfast, a plant (he loves plants) and a box of chocolate.
I arrived at his place at around 9, knocked on the door and he took a little while to open so I assumed he was still asleep. He opened the door with a frown on his face, so I immediately apologized for waking him up and told him I just brought a few gifts for him for our 4-year anniversary. He just said “okay”, visibly very upset and walked away to his bedroom, letting me stand here with my gifts in hand.
I was kind of shocked that he reacted this way, so I put the things I bought him on the kitchen table and was about to leave, but then I heard some noise in his bedroom and he got back with pants on. I thought he was going to hug me or something but he proceeded to feed his cat and go to the bathroom, while I was waiting by the door.
I was sad of his reaction and started to cry because I was only expecting a little joy from him. He exhaled and told me “what?”, I responded that I was sad that he seemed annoyed by my presence and that I hoped that it would at least make him a little happy that I brought him something for our anniversary. He told me sarcastically that he was sorry that he didn’t meet my expectations and that I can’t expect him to be happy to see me because I woke him up and he didn’t sleep well.
To be honest, I was not expecting a big celebration from him or even a gift from him. All I wanted was a hug, a kiss, a thank you (the bare minimum) which didn’t happen. We didn’t even get to have a nice breakfast together, because I was in such a bad mood after that, so I left his place.
So Am I A Jerk for waking him up to surprise him?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: