
Woman threatens parents, ‘do not expose your disgusting habits to my kids on x-mas.’

Every parent wants the best for their kid and strives to keep them safe from harm. What would you do if your parents smoked in front of your children? Would you be willing to take a stance for the sake of your children and parents? Read the narrative to find out what this mother did, and whether or not you agree with her decision.

Source: Reddit

I have told my parents over and over that I was done allowing them to smoke with my children in the house. They keep saying that they won’t do it anymore and then they forget.

So today we went over for Christmas dinner. And my mom and dad are both smoking. So we dropped off their gifts and left. We didn’t even get the kids out of their car seats.

I called my dad from the road and told him that I wasn’t going to expose my kids to second hand smoke even for one minute.

I’m done. I grew up having to put up with that but I’m not doing that to my kids.

I told him and my mom that from now on they could smoke to their heart’s content in their house and car but our kids would not be going there.

My mom is very upset with me but I’m just done.

My dad says that I cannot dictate how he behaves in his home. And I agree. I am not saying he can’t smoke there. Only that his grandchildren won’t be there if he does. Am I Overreacting?

Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: 

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