We must treat women with love and respect in order to build a better society and become better versions of ourselves.
A TV reporter slammed a runner for hitting her bottom on a live broadcast. Alex Bozarjian was covering a charity running competition for a local TV station in Savannah, Georgia, when a guy smacked her behind.
She was undeterred by a few joking efforts to photobomb her coverage, but she was taken aback by the horrible act.
Ms Bozarjian censured him on Twitter, saying: ‘the one who smacked my butt on live TV today: You abused, typified, and humiliated me. No lady should EVER have to put up with this at work or elsewhere!! ‘Do better.’
Check out this jerk smacking a @WSAV reporter’s ass live on air. And sorry, that’s my kiddo making horribly timed weird noises in the background. pic.twitter.com/6tzi6P1Jbo
— Tonya (@GrrrlZilla) December 7, 2019
A fellow reporter Emily Block said that it is sickening. In her words, “Sending strength and solidarity your way. Let’s go grab this filthy man and warn the ladies in his life.”
Journalist Caitlyn Penter composed: ‘Don’t TOUCH REPORTERS. Period.’
Robert Wells, the director of event organiser Savannah Sports Council, denounced the act as “completely inappropriate” and pledged to recognise the runner. He stated that visual proof and race bib numbering might help track him down.
He was finally identified as a youth church minister named Tommy Callaway & gets banned for any future running events.
Hope he learns a lesson. Treat a woman with utmost respect.
Share this story to bring a stop to harassing women sexually or in any other form. Treat a woman with dignity and respect, since it is what true men will do.