Back some years ago, in Burlada, Spain, several world athletes were competing in a cross-country race. Spanish runner Ivan Anaya was in second place… quite a distance behind the leader, Abel Mutai, of Kenya.
As they entered the last stretch of the run, Ivan saw Abel stop about 10 meters short of the finish line. He thought he had already crossed it. But he didn’t. He stopped cold. Now was Ivan’s chance to overtake the man who had outrun him the entire race. What a spectacular finish it would be. But Ivan KNEW he could not take that victory from the Kenyan runner; there was no way Ivan could have caught up to him had it not been for the unusual error in judgment.
Says Ivan: “As soon as I saw he was stopping, I knew I wasn’t going to pass him.”
So when Ivan caught up to him, he communicated with gestures, urging him to complete the 10 meters and become the winner, as Ivan stayed behind him, guiding him there. And Abel crossed the finish line first.
Ivan’s coach said he himself would have used that lapse in judgment to his advantage. But Ivan, he said, has become a better person because of it. And being a better person can mean much much more… than winning the race.
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