Relationships are never simple to maintain. Relationships and love are difficult to manage. It has its open shares of highs and lows. However in this story two lovers had an argument due to the girlfriend’s period panties. Read the story and what do you think of this situation.
Source: Reddit
Hey all, my boyfriend is 27 and I’m 24. We’ve been together for almost two years.
My boyfriend is EXTREMELY hygienic in all ways. Like showers twice a day, washes his clothes after every single wear, doesn’t leave a single dish in the sink dirty. If you ask me, he’s a little over the top on how clean he and everything around the house needs to be 24/7. He will scrub his body 3 separate times in one shower cycle just to make sure he doesn’t miss any dirt. His showers are easily an hour most days if not more. I obviously have good basic hygiene skills, but I am much more relaxed. For example, I will wear a t-shirt twice before washing it so long as it’s not stained, covered in something, or stinky. Or I might leave a few dishes in the sink for a few hours after dinner before I get up and wash them. He would prefer I didn’t and just kept everything to a T right away.
Yesterday night we were doing laundry. We always air-dry our clothes to save money and to reduce fading and shrinking. Usually I am the laundry person but on one occasion he happened to be the one to take the clothes out of the washer and lay them out to dry. He came across one of my pairs of panties that I specifically only wear during that time of the month. I’m certain ladies will understand that we keep panties separate for periods than we do for when we aren’t. Aka I have my ugly or maybe blood stained pairs for my period, and my cute and well kept ones for when I’m not on my period.
Anyways, upon seeing these, he told me that I need to throw that pair away and that it’s disgusting and unhygienic. He made quite a few comments about how gross they are despite them being CLEAN but just blood stained from a previous period/spotting situation.
I attempted to explain that I keep those pairs solely for when I am bleeding, and that it’s a common thing girls do but quickly stopped because I could tell he just disagreed with me and told me that he’s pretty sure other girls do not do this.
It made me feel really… I don’t know gross? Ugly? Alienated? I’m not really sure but it definitely made me upset and feel some type of way about something I felt was natural I guess.
I snapped at him to forget my explanation because he’s just making me feel like I’m gross. And a small argument ensued because of this. We ended up going to bed kind of frustrated with each other but i dont think I’m in the wrong. Am I A Jerk?
edit to add that “black panties” don’t exactly work for me because I have an iud and my period (and spotting) is very sporadic. I could go 3 months without a period, or I could have it two months in a row. I could have some random light spotting, or the full blown waterfall. There’s really not consistency due to my iud. So I can’t exactly “plan out” when to start wearing those specific black period panties.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: