In this story, the narrator’s stepmother threw away all of the narrator’s late mother’s possessions, causing a lot of pain and anger. The narrator confronts the stepmother, but years later, family members are pressuring them to forgive and move on for the sake of their half-brother.
Source: Reddit
My (23-year-old) late mom died over 10 years ago, and over 9 years ago, my dad (49-year-old) remarried my stepmother.
My stepmother and I were never close. I missed my mom like crazy and would try to talk to my stepmother about her, but she didn’t seem interested. Every time my mother was mentioned, she’d stop engaging in conversation and just go on her phone or walk away.
When I was 17, my grandmother told me that she was creating something special for my 18th birthday. I asked for a hint, and she said it had to do with someone I missed a lot. That night, I cried a lot. I knew she was going to create something to do with my mother.
A while after that, my dad called me. He said he had bad news while sniffling. He said that my stepmother threw away all my mom’s possessions. Not one thing was left. Not even sentimental items. I started crying, and my dad comforted me over the phone and then started crying with me.
I know you aren’t supposed to make major decisions when you are emotional because it can lead to reckless behavior. But I was so mad and sad that I decided to drive to my dad’s house.
My grandmother opened the door, but I just walked past her. I went straight to my stepmother. I started yelling at her, calling her something along the lines of jealous and vindictive. Bi**h. I said a lot of vile words. I told her I never wanted to talk to her again. She tried to apologize, but I just blocked out everything she was saying. I ignored what everyone was saying and just left.
Since then, my half brother was born. I have nothing against him, but I barely visit him. My dad forgave my stepmother, but I can’t. My family recently had a get-together and asked if I would be coming. I asked if my stepmother would be there, and my aunt said yes. I then declined. My aunt told me to get over her throwing away my mom’s possessions and be there for my half brother. My cousins and other aunts and uncles have since messaged me to say similar stuff and have been really pressuring. I almost dropped out of my top-tier college due to being depressed, but I feel like they might have a point. So Am I Overeating ?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: