A child’s primary focus will always be his or her mother. It is OK for grandparents to adore, care for, and indulge their grandchildren, but everything has a limit. Grandparents should step beyond the boundary. Read the tale to find out what occurred, and then share your comments.
Source: Reddit
Hi. I am a (23f) and I have a son named “Declan”. About two months ago, Declan went to stay at his grandparents house around 11am on a Saturday. About a week prior to this, my step dad and I had a conversation about Declan being home by 12 on Sunday’s since that is his dads (my fiance) only day off. He’s a blue collar man. The Saturday I dropped Declan off I knew they were going somewhere that day, I was told the store and maybe lunch.
On Sunday morning I messaged my mom asking what time they will be dropping Declan back off at our house, no response. Tried reaching out to my step dad, no response. Mind you this was around 9am. I tried to call again two hours later, still no response so I start to get a little worried. Finally around 12 my mom texted me back saying they were at the beach. I’m sorry… what? After that I proceed to tell her how I would like to know where they are going especially since my son was only 16MO at the time not to mention I had already discussed a drop off time with them. But my mother is not one to really reason with, it’s her way or the Highway. I tried to set boundaries and I got called names and was told to go to hell so after that I told my mom a couple of my friends were near them and was going to get Declan for me. She refused.
She wanted to drop him off so we could “talk” i.e her screaming at me in my driveway, so I declined. Then threatened to not give me my son entirely unless I talked to her. I told her if she didn’t give Declan to my friends then I would call the cops and report her for kidnapping. She called everyone in my family and told them I threatened her because I was jealous she took my son to the beach. All I tried to do was set a boundary with my mother about my son and now our relationship is damaged.

My mother says since she’s the grandmother she should be able to spoil her grandchild without having to ask me first, I say it’s fine to spoil him as long as it’s within the boundaries I set… anyways Am I A Jerk?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: