
Bar Manager Walks Woman To Her Car, Notices ‘Occupant’ And Calls Police.

Catherine Durham went to Louie’s Bar and Restaurant in Oklahoma City for a Saturday night out. She hadn’t been there long before the staff knew she was inebriated and had been bar-hopping. Durham, 33, started behaving inebriated almost soon after ingesting only two alcoholic drinks she ordered at Louie’s. The staff was alarmed by the apparent quick drunkenness caused by just two beers.

Their suspicions were soon verified when Durham admitted to drinking at other neighbourhood pubs before stopping at Louie’s, according to witnesses. According to the management, she just had two shots in 30 minutes at Louie’s, which was enough to leave her slurring her words and falling down inebriated. She was clearly in no state to drive.

One of the bartenders told the local press, she began becoming a bit slurry and the bartender advised her to call a taxi and drink some water. She said that she needed to retrieve something from her vehicle. Yet, allowing this lady to drive in her intoxicated state was not a risk that bar personnel were prepared to accept. As Durham tried to leave, an anonymous manager followed her outside and offered to get her a ride.

That’s when the manager saw something in Durham’s vehicle. Durham’s 8-month-old kid was strapped into a car seat, which she had left alone in the backseat of the vehicle while the mother went drinking. Durham sought to seize the woman’s keys because the manager couldn’t allow her drive with an innocent kid on board. Durham grew angry at this point, pulling the female manager by the hair.

Fortunately, the manager was able to dial 911. Nevertheless, witnesses claim that the very inebriated mother attempted to get into the vehicle and drive away with the baby in the back before officials arrived. Thankfully, they were able to keep her from fleeing long enough for the cops to arrive. When cops arrived soon after midnight, they saw Durham wandering behind the building as though attempting to hide, cradling her baby kid in her arms. The highly inebriated mother slipped and fell in front of cops, but the baby was unharmed.

Catherine Durham was arrested and brought into the Oklahoma County Prison on charges of child endangerment. The baby was put in protective care due to the mother’s excessive drunkenness and the fact that the baby was left alone in the vehicle for 30 minutes that authorities were aware of, according to witnesses and workers at Louie’s. Durham’s neighbour, who works for the Department of Health Services, was allegedly given custody of the baby.

The personnel at Louie’s Bar and Grill should be commended for saving a newborn. Fortunately, the bartenders were paying attention and recognised Catherine Durham wasn’t just a bit tipsy – she was completely inebriated. Instead of turning a blind eye, they went over and above, attempting to get the lady to phone a taxi and even following her outside. That night, their dedication most certainly saved many lives.

Maybe, other bartenders, waitstaff, and even other clients of similar establishments remember this tale. This tale might have ended quite differently if a few good Samaritans had not gone out of their way to prevent a drunk from getting behind the wheel. “Friends don’t allow friends drink and drive,” however it should be “No one lets anybody drink and drive.” Anybody who encounters anyone driving while inebriated should intervene and seize the keys.

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