
Bar’s Front Door Sign ‘Sparks Outrage’, Manager Claims It’s ‘Increased Business’

Victor Fiorillo went out for a drink late at night and chose the Old Philadelphia Bar in the City of Brotherly Love. He wanted a drink and some decent company, but the message carved on the glass made him think twice. Still, he walked inside and voted with his cash by purchasing a drink, which is when a guy yelled up loud enough for the whole bar to hear him.

The guy was making his way over to the jukebox. Yet, before inserting the coin into the machine to play music via the speakers, he announced that he was a former fireman and a Mexican. Then he smiled, saying the final portion was “just a joke.” He then paid for the music and chose “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood from 1984. When the song began to play and the chorus blared over the bar’s speakers, every customer began to sing along.

And I’m proud to be an American

Where at least I know I’m free

And I won’t forget the men who died

Who gave that right to me

And I’d gladly stand up next to you

And defend Her still today

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt

I love this land

God Bless the USA

The bar attempts to uphold the beliefs stated in the song. That’s why, when Victor Fiorillo first stepped in, he spotted the sign imprinted on the front of the building.

“If you’re not proud to be an American, do not bother to come in.”

For decades, the tavern has been a fixture in its Philadelphia neighbourhood. This sign, on the other hand, is a fresh addition to the traditional bar. They simply want individuals to understand that when they go in, they will be welcomed with patriotic good cheer.

Some iconic characteristics from the Good Old Days have been preserved, such as $1.50 pints of domestic beers. If it’s a broadcast athletic event, you can get a drink for $1 – what a deal.

The pub takes pride in being hipster-free. It targets “real men,” rather than the yuppies and working professionals who are rapidly entering the area and destroying everything in sight.

“Not swamped with hipster douchebags,” according to one Google review. Even if you do come across any hipster douche McDouchebags, they know how to keep their utter ignorance to themselves.”

When a passerby observed the sign on the door, they took a picture and shared it on a local Philadelphia Facebook group. Outrage ensued. They couldn’t believe this pub stood for such things.

If they are not white males, the locals are even scared of the pub. A Fairmount lady knows about the “Old Philadelphia” tavern but refuses to attend since she has an Indian boyfriend with a beard.

“I wouldn’t go there,” she said to Victor Fiorillo. “Normally, it’s OK. That is not always acceptable in some locations. As shown by the sign.”

The barman doesn’t appear to understand what’s going on. “If you’re in this county, you should be glad to be an American,” a barman stated.

What are your thoughts on the sign?

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