“This is my son Logan & his friend from school. Logan came home one day & said “mommy I want my hair cut” he explained to me that there was a little boy in his class who recently got his hair cut. He said that kids were making fun of him & that this little boy was upset to the point of crying & just wanting to be alone.
Logan told me that he did not want him to feel alone & that they would share it together. Logan is a very very sweet kid. He has one of the biggest hearts that I have ever seen.

After our house fire in December of 2016, we were stressed. Between trying to find a house, afford to move at the last minute, Christmas plus our daughter’s 5th birthday.. lets just say the weight on our shoulders was at an all time high. Logan earns allowance, he saves his money. One day, while out paying bills, he reached on his pocked & pulled out $40 that he had saved & insisted that I took it (even though I refused) to help pay bills. I broke down in tears. For only being 7 years old, Logan has been through a lot. I served in the military for 8 years, I had been away from home at times & even deployed to Afghanistan in 2013.
In 2015, the age of 6 Logan had lost his father to ALS. Nothing is life has been easy but I have tried to teach my children not to be selfish, not to bully, not to be mean to anyone regardless of the situation. Little thing’s like this is a reminder that even through the battles & struggles that we have face, I have done something right. Logan, mommy could not be any more proud of you then I am right now. Regardless of the struggles you have faced in the past 7 years, you ALWAYS put others before yourself. Keep doing the things you are doing & you will go far. I love you son!”