Source: Reddit
I (25F) am getting married. My fiancé(25 M) and I decided on a dry wedding since we do not drink and see no point in spending money on alcohol. We were debating about getting a cash bar but then decided to have no alcohol at all. (There will be a wide range of other drinks, not just juice and soda, provided).

We informed our guests via invitations with something along the lines of “You don’t have to be worried about choosing a driver or paying a taxi, since everybody will be able to drive”
So a friend (26M) called me and asked if I was joking about the dry wedding. I denied it. He asked two times more and I still denied joking. Then he asked what was wrong with me and how is supposed to have fun without alcohol and how he should function that night. And that it was not alright to choose a dry wedding.
This is where I might have been the AH:
I told him that I was not obligated to provide alcohol to him just because he is not able to have fun without it. And that, if he needs alcohol so badly and cannot function without it for even one night with people he knew, that he might be having an alcohol problem and should consider a therapy to treat it.
He flipped out on me and I took his invitation back until he apologised because he used many slurs on me.
Our friends are divided about me being an a**hole. Some say I was right, others say I was not right.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: