Source: Reddit
I got married back in June and at my wedding, my now sister-in-law was wearing an outfit with a white top and a black bottom part. I didn’t say anything to her at the wedding, but going through my photos with the photographer, I felt like they were a bit silly since the top part of her outfit was literally the same color as my wedding dress, and in certain photos, it really made her pop out.
Since they are my wedding photos, I requested the photographer to make my SIL’s top to be grayish instead if possible. We only edited the ones where she was standing next/near me btw.
When my photographer sent me the finalized version, I distributed them to my family members. My SIL got upset and asked why I edited her white top. I said it was because she stood out too much. SIL requested the original photos with her white top be sent.
I contacted my photographer. She said she could send them but at a cost since they were additional photos. I asked if she could just send the raw over, no processing etc. but it was still extra. So I told my SIL if she wanted the original photos, she could give me the extra money and I’ll get them for her.
This made her upset even more, but I thought she dropped the issue. Fast forward some days and I find out she’s talking sh&t about me behind my back. I went ahead and texted her why the hell she cares about the white top so much and she says she looks really good in white, and bought that outfit specifically since she wanted good photos.
I was dumbfounded with that comment so I just didn’t reply to her text messages. Then my husband told me the next night that SIL is really upset with me and wants me to respond. She apparently believes I am insecure for editing the photos. I need some advice on if I’m wrong?
Faq: So the outfit she was wearing was a formal jumpsuit. This isn’t exact but it looked similar to this photo here.

On the day of the wedding, I didn’t think her outfit mattered that much but she really did stand out in photos. It’s partially due to the backgrounds we used, the lighting and camera work etc. I edited 6 photos in total, with 3 of them being the formal guest photos that everyone takes.
I did request editing on other guests but again just to fix any weirdness due to the lighting and background. As far as color goes, no one else wore a lot white. Except for some men with button up shirts, however the white was often very overshadowed by the color of their suit jackets.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: