It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their kids are forming healthy eating habits. Even while it might be easy to simply give kids what they want, it’s crucial for them to consume a variety of foods, including fruit and vegetables, in addition to cookies and potato chips. Read this story of a husband being angry with his wife when he saw their son eating a snack of questionable nutritional value. What are your thoughts on this?
Source: Reddit
My son is 14 and he is in three athletic activities (thank God at least one of them doesn’t run in the summer). He eats like a vacuum. I’m in charge of all the cooking (my husband the washing up) in the house. I provide three squares, but if my son wants to eat outside of that, he needs to make it himself. He’s fine with this and even goes grocery shopping with me to pick out his own ingredients.
Now, I make healthy meals for the kids. Last night dinner was baked chicken, squash and whole grain rice. Right before bed son wants to eat again, so he went into the kitchen and made half a box (about 8-10 oz) of dried pasta, which, once cooked, is a TON of pasta. He drowned it in olive oil and red wine vinegar and mixed in salt, black pepper, and garlic powder. Then he poured half a jar of olives on top. So just carbs, fat and salt basically.
My husband came downstairs, saw what he was eating and got upset. He said “Christ (son), eat a vegetable!”
Son got defensive and said olives are vegetables. My husband said they aren’t real vegetables. They were getting heated so I stepped in and said he had a healthy meal earlier and will burn it all off at practice tomorrow anyway. My husband turned on me and said “this is your fault. If you weren’t too lazy to make the kid a snack he wouldn’t be eating that crap. He’s going to have a heart attack at forty.” Then he stormed off.
My husband’s comments hurt my feelings. What’s worse, my sister agrees with him. She said I could have made him a salad and it wouldn’t have taken long. I just really don’t think it’s that bad because he eats healthy three times a day, and he burns off all the carbs and fat at practice. I know that was a lot of salt though… Am I A Jerk? Am I justifying because I’m lazy?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: