
Dog-Sitter Does ‘Insane Amount’ Of Laundry At Client’s Home Without Realizing The Owner Gets Notified Each Time It’s Done.

People hire pet sitters in hope of taking care of their pets and that’s it. Does it allow them to use the other things of the house like laundry? A divided owner wonders if it’s appropriate for their pet sitter to wash “crazy amounts of laundry” without their permission while they’re on vacation. Read the story and share your thoughts on this.

Source: Reddit

I bought a house in November just far enough away that previous pet sitting options wouldn’t work this Christmas, so I found a well-reviewed sitter on Rover who I met with and really liked. In both the word doc I left for her and in the walkthrough of my house we never discussed my washer/dryer which are in my garage so I don’t think she even saw them. She never asked about doing laundry at my place either.

Now, I get that needing to pay for laundry sucks, and honestly I wouldn’t mind if she’d brought it up with me and did a few loads. However, I have brand spanking new machines that are wifi-enabled and I had set up to ping my phone when a cycle was done, so now I know that in the 3 days she has been in my home she has done 9 loads of laundry, almost all on the ‘bedding’ setting which is water and heat intensive.

This feels like a frankly insane amount of laundry, and it bugs me that she brought that much with her and never discussed it with me at all. It also makes me really anxious because this is a 70 year old home and I needed the plumbers to make several improvements to get everything functional and the whole system is now under a whole load of stress without me there.

The dilemma I have is do I say anything? I’d imagine she has no idea I am aware of all the laundry. Am I making a big fuss over nothing and laundry is just a thing pet sitters are expected to have access to (even at this quantity)? Should I wait to say something until after I’m back home? Should I just let it be and maybe rethink having her back? Please let me know, I’ve never had wifi machines before so maybe I’ve just lived in peaceful ignorance and this is the norm.

(I have turned the laundry notifications off since this started bugging me, but it is under my skin now so I find myself checking the app at the end of the day so I see the total count.) What Should I Do? Am I Overreacting?

Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: 

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