Losing a loved one is heartbreaking, and it alters our lives until the end of time. Read the story to know what happened when this woman lost her fiance and how would you react in such a situation.
Source: Reddit
So, me my fiancé dated for 5 years. Last December, on our 5th year anniversary, he proposed to me, and I accepted.
In my country, engagement rings are not a major thing. Couples show that they are engaged by wearing their future wedding rings on their right hand. Once they’re married, they start wearing it on their left hand.
Because I always watched men proposing to women with wedding rings on American movies, internet videos, tv shows, and other media, I always had that same ideal in my head.
Knowing this dream of mine, and since his family doesn’t have any heirlooms or family jewels, he had a goldsmith craft a wedding ring specially for me. He knew I don’t like fancy and flashy jewels, I’m a very discreet person, so he had a ring made for me that was exactly what I’d like. And I did. I absolutely adore it.
Sadly, a couple months ago, my fiancé fell ill and passed away. I’m not going to go into details about it because just writing this out makes me sob. I’m still very much not over it.
Skip a few weeks, and his sister and his mom (I never really got along with neither the sister nor the mom, but we were friendly towards each other) called me asking for my engagement ring. They said that, since we never got married (our wedding was scheduled for early 2022) and never will, I should give the ring to the real family, since it represented a promise that will never be fulfilled.
I told them no. Don’t get me wrong, if it were a family jewel or family heirloom, I’d not hesitate to give it back. But it isn’t. He had it made specifically for me, and I’ll be keeping it, because he gave it to me on our 5th year anniversary together.
Now they have gone to my parents (who they’ve talked to, like, twice, in all the five years me and my fiancé were together), to all their community friends (some of which I share) telling me I’m appropriating property that doesn’t really belong to me anymore.
My parents are on my side. Community friends are divided. Some say the ring is rightfully mine, some say that it was a symbol of a contract that fell through due to sad circumstances, and that I should give it back, that I’m keeping one of their son’s property and that it should stay with his sister to pass along to her future children.
I keep saying no, but they have been so insistent that I’m starting to doubt myself. So, Am I A Jerk for not giving the ring to them?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: