
‘My miserable neighbour was round within 30 minutes of us setting up our hot tub’

Good neighbours are priceless. However, by a terrible neighbour things can turn into a nightmare. It’s a fine line to walk. Read the story to know what happened between these two neighbours and let us know how you would handle the situation.

Source: Mumsnet

We only bought our hot tub yesterday and set it up, kids were in it this morning from 8:45. Neighbour came around within 30 minutes to complain. She thinks it’s an absolute joke. It’s so noisy she can barely hear herself think. She is so much younger than us but miserable as hell!

She is quite nosey and is always on the street when any drama is going on with any of the neighbours so I kind of expected it.

Of course I wouldn’t put the bubbles on at night (as much as I’d like to) so I told the kids only in the day.

We will probably only use it a few times a week.

Am I Being Unreasonable? What should I do?

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