Source: Reddit
Our son is 22 years old. When he was born we bought a second home, always with the intention of gifting it to him when he was an adult. It’s a modest home (2 bedroom bungalow, with a developed basement that has an additional room) about 10 minutes from where we live.
When we bought it we listed it for rent, and a lovely couple started renting. They went on to have 6 children. They chose not to move and continue living in the 3 bedroom home with the kids. The dad works, the mom stays home, important to note that we bought this home in 2000. Even with a 15 year mortgage, the mortgage was quite low, and the rent was not much more than the mortgage. We’ve only raised the rent 4 times in the 22 years they have lived there and the rent is still well below average for our area- I did look it up, an average rent where we are for a similar house is 2000-2600/month. Our renters have been paying 1300/month.
When they started renting we did talk to them, we did tell them this house was eventually for our son, we never actually expected to have the same renters for 22 years.
Our son graduated university in June, and has been staying with us since then. But he’s a responsible young man and we decided that Christmas would be a good time to give him this home. At the beginning of September we talked to our tenants and gave them a 2 month election notice. Figuring we’d have November/December to get the house cleaned and any repairs done.
Understandably they are not happy. They have been posting all over social media about what bad people we are, kicking them out, how they can’t afford to rent anything big enough for their family. Their oldest kid (19) even found my son on Facebook and sent him a horrible message (he had no idea we were planning to gift this to him)
Their Facebook posts have been shared in our local community groups and everyone is commenting about what “evil landlords” we are. Am I Wrong for evicting long term tenants so our son can move in?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: