A couple faces a parenting disagreement when their 7-year-old daughter’s “boyfriend” gets upset after she holds hands with another boy, leading the husband to call for punishment and a talk about faithfulness, while the wife opposes and defends their daughter’s innocent behavior.
Source: Reddit
My husband and I have a 7 year old daughter together, Layla. A few months ago, Layla got a “boyfriend”, Lucas. They are both 7, so it’s obviously not a real relationship. They just hold hands sometimes and they drew each other hearts for valentines day.
This week, Layla was apparently holding hands with another boy – who also sent Layla a valentine’s day love letter – and Lucas took offence to it. We found out because Lucas’ parents called to tell us Lucas won’t be coming over to us this Saturday like it was originally planned, because he is mad at Layla.
My husband wants us to punish Layla and wants me to have a talk with her about faithfulness. At first I thought he was joking, but no, he was serious. He says that Layla cheated on Lucas and I, as her mother, should do something about it.
I told my husband that Layla is 7, not a cheater and I won’t treat her as such. He then accused me of “raising a cheater” and encouraging the bad behaviour. Am I Jerk for not wanting to punish Layla?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: