Life is unpredictable. One never knows what good or bad will happen next. Like this story a couple planned a holiday but life had an unexpected turn in their life where the wifes lost her leg. Read the whole story and what do you think the wife should do?
Source: Reddit
My (23F) husband (27M) and I have been together for 5 years, married for 3.
We’re both athletic people, or at least I used to be, so we’ve been planning a holiday for the past year, without going into major details. It’s an expensive (by my standards) holiday and it would’ve involved a lot of hiking, I was looking forward to it.
I was in an accident recently and, once again without going into much detail as it’s triggering, lost my leg. It’s upsetting but I’m not in a place to openly speak about it outside of therapy, obviously due to this recent…restriction, I’m unable to do what we’d planned for our holiday.
I hadn’t thought about the holiday, it’s non refundable…I had expected my husband to not want to go, currently his family haven’t asked once now I am and my family claim it’s “hard” to be around me because they “don’t know how to support me” whatever.
He said yesterday he invited his sister (19) in my place, I was baffled because I expected him to support me – he said it’s not for two months, I’m like so? Cancel and something we can both do, he said he needs a break – that he’s been supporting me, he deserves this and he was also looking forward to it…
So I said “you go, but I paid for my spot so no she can’t use it”
He asked if I’m being serious that it’s spiteful, his sister hasn’t done anything…I said she hasn’t asked me once how I’m doing, she texted me last week for £150 why should she get a free holiday?
Anyway, he’s upset claiming “he’ll still go and pay for his sister” which he won’t, since a) it’s expensive and b) last I checked fully booked Am I A Jerk? I’d ask family or friends, but I don’t feel like texting them.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: