Children are a gift of God. But not everyone receives it in a happy positive manner. Here a girl was assaulted at a young age and had to give birth to a baby. However she is confused and has mixed feelings about meeting him. Please read the story and help her out.
Source: Reddit
I gave birth to a boy 24 years ago, when I was 16. His father was my uncle. My family pressured me into keeping my mouth shut about the assault and then into giving birth to him.
It was 35 weeks and 2 days of hell and it was more traumatic than his conception. I’m not a good person; I have not forgiven him for ruining my life and my body.

But I am still going to meet him for lunch tomorrow because I have been criticised, again, for not wanting to meet him. For not loving an innocent child. Even my real kids think I should “give him a chance” and I will get through this just so I won’t let them down. What is one more choice not in my hands?
What advice would you give her? Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: