
‘Livid’ mum praised for ‘brave’ act after son, 12, labels schoolmate ‘fat and ugly’

When a single mother learned her son had constantly called a schoolmate “fat” and “ugly” in acid-tongued messages, she marched him around to the girl’s house to apologise in front of her parents.

On June 7, Samm Jane was “fuming” after receiving a call from her son’s school informing her that Dave – not her son’s true name – had been bullying one of his classmates.

When her 12-year-old returned home, Samm, 32, was outraged to learn he’d called her a ‘c**t,’ ‘t**t,’ and ‘b**ch,’ among other foul-mouthed obscenities.

The full-time caregiver forced her son to spend some of his birthday money on flowers and chocolates after learning the victim’s location.

Samm, from Warwickshire, UK, said that she got a call from her son’s school to let her know he’d been throwing pencils in class.

The woman then stated, they don’t know what was said, however they are certain that Dave has been sending unpleasant text messages to one of the ladies in his class.

She inquired who it was, but they couldn’t tell her due to data security. So she sat on this data for three hours, waiting for her kid to get home from school.

She was interested in what he said. She never expected him to act this way. She raised him to never insult a woman.

Samm stated that her son should respect her and everyone around him.

She explained she snatched his phone and forced him to open it.

He’d texted her, saying he never wanted to see her ugly face at school. He is offended by her ugly face and big physique.

She’d reply back, Stop being rude to her. He’d also left voice messages saying that she is filthy.

The mother described herself as trembling with rage and extremely upset.

“She asked him why are you doing this? To which he answered that she does his head in at school

And the mom told him she does not care if the girl does his head in at school. What gave him the authority to speak to her in that manner?

The mom told him, she’ll be staring in the mirror and feeling so uneasy. She just couldn’t let it go.

Samm rushed on the phone and made a few calls, eventually learning where the child lived from a neighbour.

She explained that she informed Dave that they were going around apologising. Not only to the daughter, but to her parents, aunts, uncles, and everyone else was in that house.

Samm withdrew £10 ($A17) from Dave’s £100 ($A177) birthday money and compelled him to purchase an apology present.

Samm explained she went to the shop with him and instructed him to grab some flowers and chocolates.

She was furious as she took him down to the girl’s house. She rang the doorbell, and the girl answered. When she inquired whether her parents were there, she brought them to the door.

She told him, her kid had something to say to their daughter, and he stood there saying, ‘I’m sorry.’ She insisted on him speaking out and repeating himself.

“She had him apologise for what he had done. The mother was unaware since the daughter had not informed her mother.

Samm recounted what Dave said to her, and her father responded, he is not going to lie, buddy, if Dave were a grown-up guy and you said that to his daughter, he would have kicked your head in.

Samm stated that the girl acknowledged the apologies and that her son presented her with flowers and chocolates.

Samm told her son will never speak to her like that again.

She promised his mother and father that he would never speak to anyone like that again.

The girl’s mother praised her, and she later texted her saying that she has been quite courageous to walk around.

Samm gave them her address and advised them to come see her if they had any difficulties so they could “figure things out together.”

Samm has made certain that Dave realises the effect his remarks can have on others since the apology.

Samm stated that she sat Dave down and discussed how individuals kill themselves or injure themselves over what other people say.

She couldn’t imagine he’d said such things. She took his phone away as punishment. He offered her money in exchange for his phone, but she declined. He also had his laptop and PlayStation taken away from him.

She wants him to realise what he did was terrible. She wanted him to understand that there were repercussions to his conduct.

She is bringing up a man. Her son lacks a masculine role model, therefore she must educate him how to be a man and ensure he is courteous to others.

Samm stated that as a single mother, she had done her best for him.

She explained, when he disrespects a girl, it seems like he’s insulting her. Samm has always talked to him about body acceptance and how women come in all shapes and sizes. That’s why she was so upset – why would he say such things after she instructed him to be respectful?

He let her down. He’s handled it all in stride since then.

The fact that the two of them are now friends demonstrates how forgiving and loving she is. She’s a wonderful young lady.

Samm stated that she was tormented at school and was forced to relocate because she did not fit in with the other females.

She explained her mother and father were extremely traditional, so she didn’t get to wear make-up or anything like that.

She has always informed her children that it’s alright not to fit in and that it’s nice to be unique.

Samm has received a rush of encouraging responses from other parents after uploading the tale on TikTok on June 8.

“Proper old school parenting, nicely done,” one person said. You’re a wonderful mother and person.”

“Yes, queen,” said another. If my boys ever do something like this, I will do the same!! “I am really proud of you.”

Samm explained she only had pals on her TikTok when she originally posted it. She simply wanted to let it out because she was wondering, ‘Is this child real?’

She wanted to publish it so that others may see it and say, ‘I don’t want my kid to be like that.’ We have to raise the next generation.

It would be so much simpler if parents trained their sons  and daughters  to apologise and make amends.

She was astounded by the reaction. When she witnessed people applauding her parenting, she burst into tears. For almost three days, her phone began acting strangely.

If a million people saw the film, a million parents could make a difference.

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