Lewis and Gemma Rawnsley from northern England live with their seven children – Skye 13, Finlay 12, Phoenix 9, Pearl 8, Hunter 5, Zephyr 3 and Woolf 1.
Lewis and Gemma just don’t consider that their children should have to obey the guidelines created by adults. So none of their kids go to school and neither they are home-schooled. These self-styled feral children get to make all their own choices instead. They select how they want to dress-up, what actions they want to do each day, what they want to eat and when they want to go to bed each night.

Gemma, the 35-year-old mother says that she doesn’t want her children to grow up too hastily but she rather wishes her seven kids to actually get to relish being children, in other words, the mother doesn’t want to set restrictions for them.
Rawnsley’s kids are permitted to use bad language, colour and cut their own hair, get tattoos and piercings and do a lot of other adult actions.
You cannot imagine what you’ll find on any given day in the Rawnsley home. One kid might be swinging a knife outdoor, another one might be chopping their own hair while yet another might be consuming ice cream straight out of the box. It’s not unusual in the Rawnsley family for the children to be doing stuffs other parents would condemn of.
Their parents consider that their kids should be allowed to be kids and don’t have to shadow any directions. Basically the children are permitted to do whatever they want.
Gemma clarifies that she makes planned decisions so if somewhat appears unsafe she know it has danger attached but her kids acquire accountability.
Did you watch Feral Families on Channel 4 last night? We caught up with the Rawnsley family – do you think children should be able to live by their own rules? Full story: http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2017-10-27/rawnsleys-talk-about-life-after-feral-families-documentary/
Posted by ITV Calendar on Friday, October 27, 2017
Gemma recognises that several folks think that she has a feral household but she doesn’t perceive it that way. She clarifies that it is about allowing them make choices and it’s not an incompetent approach where they sit back and let it all take place. She further said that it appear like they are feral but that’s just one side of them.
Not a single child of the Rawnsley family go to school but instead, they pass their days at home or at the gardens doing whatsoever is utmost enjoyable.
Gemma clarifies that she didn’t have a steady childhood and her aim has been about assisting her kids to have the fascinating, entertaining and joyful lives in a house packed with the love that she never had. Since Gemma grew up in an unhappy family tense with ferocity, she sought her children to have an entirely diverse experience.
Gemma evaluates all the pros and cons of the whole thing her kids ask to do. If she thinks the children can acquire something from the involvement, she’ll let them continue.
The Rawnsley family just don’t think that school is constantly essential for children and believes that they can acquire a lot just from experiencing life. Their kids may be little late in academics but they have a lot of life skill that other kids don’t have.
Gemma and Lewis happily teach their children whatever they want to be acquainted with, but they don’t compel their kids to study a definite set of courses.
The two oldest children, Skye and Finlay, initially went to school but then their parents decided the education structure wasn’t correct for their family and the rest of the kids have educated the whole thing at home.
9 year old Phoenix not ever went to school and he didn’t need to learn to recite up until six months ago. Once he voiced curiosity, Gemma and Lewis initiated schooling him.
Their parents teach them how to recite and put pen to paper only when the children are fascinated but they don’t give them any assessments or track any endorsed set of courses. However, the only instructions the children are compel to follow is, don’t lie, don’t be violent and don’t offend anybody.
While folks may think it’s strange, but Gemma says they get a reasonable amount of accolades on their kids’ manners.
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