Nicole Mone Arteaga desired nothing more than to carry her child to full term. Her recent pregnancy, though, was not going well after a spate of losses. The Arizona lady went in for a new ultrasound every week, expecting and seeking divine intervention to see a healthy-looking kid. Nicole’s body was prepared to miscarry when the doctor determined the fetus had stopped growing at nine weeks pregnant. Nicole, who was devastated beyond comprehension, was given a prescription drug to assist induce bleeding and discharge in the privacy of her own home.
Nicole dropped off the medication and got back the next day to pick it up. That’s when things took a turn for the worst. The pharmacist declined to fill the prescription, rendering her powerless and embarrassed. She posted on Facebook that she remained helpless before this pharmacist, stating her dilemma in front of her 7-year-old and five customers standing behind, only to be rejected due to his moral values.

Walgreens stated that after understanding what had occurred, they contacted the patient and apologised for how the incident had been dealt.
“I didn’t have control of my body.” That’s how an Arizona woman felt after a pharmacist refused to fill her prescription for miscarriage medication.
Posted by HLN on Monday, June 25, 2018
To regard our pharmacists’ truly held views while also serving the requirements of our patients, their policy permits pharmacists to decline filling a prescription to which they have ethical issues. Simultaneously, they must forward the prescription to another pharmacist or manager on duty in order to address the patient’s needs as soon as possible.
Nicole’s Facebook post about the event became viral in a matter of days, with tens of thousands of shares.
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