
Mom Of ‘Perfect’ Kids Can’t Lie To Cousin Saying Her Baby Is Not ‘The Ugliest’, Asks For Advice But Gets Blasted Instead.

To be truthful, many parents regard their children as the most beautiful angels who have ever existed. Moms and fathers are hardwired to love their kids, and kids need to feel loved in order to thrive. Nonetheless, some individuals severely overvalue their children, believing they are superior and more worthy than others. For example, consider this woman, who just made a bizarre message on a parenting group. Read the story and what are your thoughts on this?

Source: Reddit

I have 2 toddlers, a year apart. I was super blessed that they are so beautiful and so sweet. They are literally perfect. I’m a brutally honest person, especially to myself. My husband and I are kind of mean and like to pick on people but we also pick on each other. We would be completely content and honest to ourselves if we had aesthetically ugly/ misbehaved children. I just don’t know how we got so lucky. With that said, we constantly get compliments on our children everywhere we go.

I can’t find it in myself to compliment the other person’s children back. I am incapable of lying, even if it’s a white lie to be nice. I just can’t. I don’t expect anyone to compliment my children so why am I expected to? I don’t like kids in general. I was afraid I wouldn’t even like mine but I got so lucky. They are so different. I’ll definitely compliment them if it’s honest and true. No problem with that. I just can’t find it in myself to lie . If I don’t feel that way I don’t feel that way

Also, my cousin literally has the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen. She constantly sends me photos and expects compliments. I don’t say anything because “don’t say anything if you’re not going to say something nice”, right ? But she still keeps sending them. I don’t know what to do, she’s making things awkward for me. That baby isn’t even 1% cute and I’m not going to lie to her.

Y’all can judge me or call me an a**hole it’s fine I’m aware and accepting of myself for who I am. You thinking I’m an a**hole it’s just as OK as me thinking your kid is ugly 

So my question here … what do I do ? Should I continue not to say anything if I don’t think it’s true? I’m a new mom and trying to gain parenting etiquette but I’m struggling to white lie because that’s not who i am.

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