Parenting is never simple, and raising a kid with special needs generally involves a great deal of responsibilities on the part of the parents. In such instances, parents are typically more reverent and attentive to their kid, ensuring that they are as at ease as possible. Read the story to know what this mother did and do you agree with her decision?
Source: Reddit
Pretty straightforward I got a lock for my four year olds room. My son is only four but he’s super into collecting things. (He has autism) He has probably every single monster jam monster truck ever made, he has every single marvel/DC/superhero action figure you could think of, and he’s really into setting up these huge marble runs. Everything is organized and put away nicely and my son likes to keep it that way.

The problem is that every time my best friend’s kids or my nephew comes over, they b-line it to his room and trash everything. Literally from ripping off legs to The action figures, ripping off tires to his monster trucks and just trashing every single toy that they can get their hands on in general. I’m not even talking about just normal wear and tear these kids are fucking like destructive and they will destroy almost everything they put their hands on.
The marbles end up all over my house and get lost. He also has a collection of those squishy toys and one of the kids literally will not keep their hands off of them and bites a hole in one every single time, ruining it. I used to go through his room and have to hide everything before they came over to try to avoid this but I have literally had it at this point so I told them they are no longer allowed in my sons room period.
They can play with the huge bin of toys that I have in the living room or one of the 100’s of toys outside ect. Of course it didn’t go over well and the kids started throwing a fit because they know what’s in his room and the toys “aren’t good enough and they’re bored”. and my sister and best friend are both saying that I’m being too much and saying that they’re just toys. But these toys are expensive, we spent hours building the marble run just for it to get torn down the absolute second they walk in the door.
And after everyone’s gone and the room is trashed and all his toys are broken and misplaced he’s really upset over it. Rightfully IMO. They say I am teaching him not to share and to be greedy but I disagree. I think they need to teach their kids basic respect for other people stuff and to not throw a fit when they can’t have something. I wouldn’t have a problem with them going in there and playing with the stuff if they were even the least bit respectful about it but proven time and time again that they can’t handle it.
Now they don’t want to come over with their kids because they think I’m being an a**hole and I honestly don’t care. I also believe that you should teach your kids to share but not everything HAS to be shared you can have specific things to just keep for yourself. I’m just curious as to what everyone else thinks. Am I an a**hole or not??
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: