
Mother Finds Toddler Locked Inside Day Care After Staffs Left For The Day.

Authorities are examining a Florida day-care facility where a mother found her 2-year-old daughter alone and locked inside after workers left for the day.

A mother, Stephanie Martinez saw her child through a window on the front door when she arrived at the day-care facility which is north of Miami at around 06:30 pm.

In a video of a 911 which Stephanie had, the room seems dark and Martinez can be heard telling someone that she could see her daughter crying and that she is in shock.

Fire department workers interfered to open the door and found the girl in good health approximately 20 minutes later.

On investigation, Police learned that the day-care employee accountable for checking out children left at 6:20 p.m. and locked the doors. The case was being investigated by the local child protection agency and the police report does not say if criminal charges are anticipated.

A representative for the day care, which possesses the facility, said in a statement that while the establishment was grateful the child was swiftly found and was safe but this incident must not have transpired.

The establishment said that it has alerted the native child protection agency and placed employees involved in the matter on administrative leave while it examines.

The establishment added that entire teachers and staff will receive extra exercise to make sure that this kind of thing doesn’t happen over again.

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