
Mother Froze In Her Tracks When She Spotted What Her 8 Yr Old Daughter Did In The Bathroom.

Kids can send us adults signals in many different ways. How adept are you at picking up on those clues?

Joanna Gaines is known for her fixer-upper show on HGTV. One day, after walking into her 8-year-old daughter’s bathroom, she spotted something that froze her in her tracks.

Daughter Emmie had drawn with a marker a design on her vanity counter. Now it wasn’t the fact that Emmie had made a mess of things with a marker, although it certainly could have been. It was actually the message her daughter had written inside her design that got Joanna to thinking. It was a message question to God.

It asked: “Hi God. What are you doing?”

After reading it, Joanna quickly thought of the Bible verse from James 1:19… “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”

So there was no anger about her daughter putting this on her vanity. In fact, Joanna smiled about it. And even though it was drawn with erasable marker, Joanna believes it certainly would not be the worst of things left there if a permanent marker was used. And the more Joanna looked at her daughter’s creation, the more she marveled over it.

Says Joanna: “I stared at her question and loved the thought of it and that that’s how she talks to God. May her faith always stay childlike and may I remember what she seems to already know. That God is the most relational and the most kind, and always near.”

So Joanna took a picture of it and proudly posted it to Instagram. And about a million and a half people responded to it.

Said one of those people who responded to the post: “What a great message for us all in this day. You know she put a smile on God’s face.” 

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