
Mother of a newborn son who died at three days old has revealed that her one-month-old son has leukemia.

A bereaved mom of a three-day-old son who died has announced that her one-month-old son has leukemia.

Sophie Kitcher, 34, of Ware, Hertfordshire, learned last week that her son Ralphie had acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and has just a 30% chance of survival.

Her first child, Huxley, died at the age of three days in July of last year. He was born with Down’s syndrome and died during surgery to close a hole in his bowel.

If they haven’t already gone through hell and back here they are, their lovely adorable rainbow son has been diagnosed with leukaemia, Sophie said on Instagram. She don’t know how life can be so cruel, and now her kid has to go through this.

She continued that Ralphie, he is their reason for being here today, fighting for him, with his brother watching over them. Please say a prayer for them, mother and daddy are completely broken in pieces. How did this happen to their child, you’r who is so wonderful.

Ralphie will get chemotherapy for the next five months at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, which Sophie and her spouse Luke visited during Huxley’s treatment last year.

Ralphie was born on October 5 at Harlow’s Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Huxley was born in the Leo star sign, so his middle name is Leo, and the name’s connections with lions – and being courageous and powerful – are also in memory of his brother.

Ms Kitcher said on Instagram at the time, she simply knows the baby is their baby boy to assist Mummy and Daddy’s shattered hearts, he has truly made them smile again.

Here’s to this new chapter as a family, never lose faith or give up on your aspirations, miracles occur.

According to the NHS, AML is an uncommon kind of cancer, with only about 3,100 persons diagnosed with it each year in the UK.

Ralphie’s case is very unusual because the chance of acquiring AML rises with age and is most frequent in those over the age of 75.

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