We want to believe that everybody’s dietary choices are legitimate. Warm conversations and open-minded exploration can open many doors in our gastronomic journey. What doesn’t work well is when someone attempts to persuade someone to accept their dietary ideals. Few individuals appreciate being deceived, pressured, or threatened into believing someone else’s ideas, whether or not they are linked to food. The mother questioned whether she was a jerk for forcing her non-vegetarian husband and children to eat fake meat. Scroll down to read the entire story and share your views on this.
Source: Reddit
My two daughters are vegetarian but my husband and son are not. I’m probably what they would call a “flexitarian”.
My son and husband always turn up their noses at tofu or any other meat alternatives – they say it’s just “weird” that it’s made to resemble real meat, so it’s really the concept and not the taste. There are no allergies. My family and I often make two versions of dinner – one meat, one real, and twice the amount of pots and pans. There is an equal distribution of cleaning and cooking in this house, thankfully.
My daughters had a fun prank idea of making two pots of spaghetti sauce, under the pretense that one was meat (they were both the soy ground beef). The goal here was to see if their brother and father actually hated the meat and to see if we could maybe save some dishes and time (in the future).
Everyone loved dinner, both husband and son finished their plates. This was when my youngest couldn’t hold it in anymore and told them. They both got VERY upset about being fed something other than what they were told. Am I A Jerk?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: