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PHOTOS: Woman’s Breasts Outrage Patrons At Disneyland — See For Yourself

Brittni Medina was visiting Disneyland in Anaheim, California, with her 10-month-old kid and spouse when the mother-of-two irritated other park goers with one glance at her breasts. She and her spouse have yearly passes and therefore frequent the amusement park. But one visit would not be like the others.

Things changed when Medina was waiting in a long queue. She didn’t want to lose her place, but there was an issue. Her little boy was hungry. As a result, Medina did what many other nursing women do. She breastfed her child. This, though, appeared to be an issue.

So rather than requesting somebody to hold her place, she breastfed her hungry infant while standing in line. However, as she breastfed publicly, Medina quickly discovered that some of those around her were not pleased with what she was doing. As per Medina, two individuals started condemning her for nursing in public, making loud remarks that she should have fed her infant someplace more private. Instead of ignoring the insults, Medina chose to retaliate, and all it took was one picture.

Medina got a bit closer to the ladies while she nursed before requesting her spouse to take the photo. The two women in the background of the final photo observe the cheerful mom as she embraces and breastfeeds her kid, their judgmental expressions brilliantly captured on camera.

Medina shared the photo on Facebook and related an event in which she claims she was humiliated for nursing her son at Disneyland. These women were making nasty remarks, so she relocated from her seat to get a picture with these individuals, she said in a public breastfeeding group social media post.

Medina stated that the photo was intended to raise awareness of the fact that ‘NO WOMEN SHOULD BE Ridiculed FOR FEEDING THEIR BABY UNCOVERED.’ The confident mother, who grinned broadly in the snap, characterized herself as “quite comfortable nursing anyplace, anyhow.”

She also recalled her delighted response to the women’s statements in her piece. These ladies were so enraged by it that her husband just had to photograph them. Look at the haters, she wrote. Today’s characters. She just had to take a photo! As for antagonizing her haters, Medina owns it.

She really moved over to capture them in the photo since they were chatting loudly about how she should go to the toilet to feed, she explained. She was relieved that her husband was able to photograph her and her kid peacefully eating, and she thought the expressions on their faces were precious. How could they be so upset?

Medina used to cover up when breastfeeding her eldest kid, but she no longer does since it still does not prevent others from criticizing her.

This appears to be a case of “live and let live.” Concentrate on oneself rather than what others are doing, and one will find less reasons to feel “outraged.” Individuals simply need to stop seeking reasons to be upset.

Brittni Medina might have picked a nicer shirt for breastfeeding, one with greater covering, knowing that this could be an issue. However, while I’m waiting in a long line, it’s difficult for me to see what everyone else is doing. Usually, I’m too preoccupied in conversing with others around me and creating my own recollections.

Medina is not entirely blameless in this situation. Her reaction was clumsy. You’re not going to win somebody over by rubbing their face in it if they’re visibly uncomfortable with what you’re doing. It would have been better for the nursing issue if she had simply ignored the ladies instead of attracting harsh and highly public attention to the behavior. Two wrongs do not equal a right. What we have here is an overreaction to an overreaction. Meanwhile, other park visitors were forced to see this useless quarrel.

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