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Poor 78-Yr-Old Widower Has To Work Again To Please Kids Demanding Money From Him.

Nothing in our world is eternal. Both the good and terrible times have expiry dates; however, the trials and tribulations may often last longer, putting a toll on our mental and emotional well-being.

Life has its share of challenges and unexpected twists and turns for one Peruvian guy. Nevertheless, with the unfathomable sadness and agony, came another unexpected event that caught him off guard in ways he hadn’t anticipated. Here’s a glimpse at his heartbreaking tale!

Don Segundino Castro Mercedes was born in Huamachuco, La Libertad, Peru. Although being in his 70s, he couldn’t relax or live a carefree life due to a variety of problems.

Mercedes was forced to work because of the ups and downs of life. One day, he sat on the pavement in the Balta bazaar in his hometown, weeping his heart out.

Several others who observed him while traveling through the neighborhood were moved by the poor man’s forlorn plight. One of those bystanders, went to speak with Mercedes to discover more about his life’s events.

Mercedes started reciting his spine-chilling tale, tears streaming from his eyes and his voice cracking. In January 2020, he lost the love of his life—his wife. He had already experienced another heartbreaking loss when one of his kids died.

Mercedes was plagued with pain and anguish, and he struggled to accept the loss of his loved ones. Experiment with a new way of doing things.

The inconsolable guy confessed that he had six more kids who made his life unpleasant with their demands. When asked what they did, Mercedes said that his children urged him to divide his fortune among them, without once expressing compassion for what he had gone through.

Mercedes, a Payamarca native, was in tears as he described how his children had continually requested their half of the inheritance despite the fact that he was still alive.

The northern Peruvian resident said that he believed his kids would allow him some time to figure things out.

Mercedes said that he required time to take care of his affairs in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak, but his children refused to listen. He explained that his kids require the money to pay off their bills, so they persuaded him to hurry up.

As a result, despite being the most exposed to the lethal infection, he was obliged to work. The 78-year-old man claimed that he was forced to leave his home every day to sell chicken eggs on the street.

He said that it was the only way he could support his family and handle his daily costs. Mercedes had to put his health and safety at danger to satisfy his kids and meet their expectations, despite his frailty and soul-crushing sadness.

In August 2020, a video of a tearful Mercedes sitting on the pavement telling his tale was published on Facebook. The viral video has 1.5k responses, 270k views, and over 390 comments as of March 6, 2022.

HUMILDE ANCIANITO, DESESPERADO PORQUE HIJOS LE VIENEN PRESIONANDO PARA QUE REPARTA LA HERENCIA Con lágrimas en los ojos cuenta su historia, hasta incluso pensó en acabar con su vida ante tanta presión de sus hijos por sus terrenos. Esta es la historia de don Segundino Castro Mercedes natural de Payamarca, quien a pesar del dolor de haber perdido a la compañera de su vida hace 7 meses, tiene que soportar la presión de sus hijos ya que le exigen reparta sus tierras como herencia de manera inmediata. Don Segundino se encuentra totalmente agobiado por esta situación y espera que todo esto pase, porque ya no soporta ver pelear a sus hijos por sus tierras. Este humilde ancianito vende huevos de gallina de corral para poder sostenerse y alimentarse, pero no soporta más los problemas a causa de la herencia que sus propios hijos le piden. El día de hoy se lo encontró llorando en una esquina del jirón Balta de nuestra ciudad de Huamachuco, donde posteriormente se lo derivó al CEM Huamachuco para que le brinden la ayuda legal correspondiente. 📱Número de Prensa y WhatsApp: 949315475 – 949315394 #HcoTv_RadioAntena9

Posted by Radio Antena 9 on Thursday, 20 August 2020

Several commentators sympathized with the bereaved dad, condemning his children’s treatment of him. Mercedes bemoaned that there were times when he hoped he could die and have all of his issues solved.

He claimed he worried his kids would kick him out of the home he and his wife had constructed with unending labour and care. Mercedes was directed to the CEM Huamachuco for legal aid.

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