
Professor Grows A Single Tree That Can Produce 40 Types Of Fruits.

Sam Aken grew up on a farm long before become an art professor at Syracuse University. When he found out the orchard at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station was going to be destroyed due to lack of funding, he knew he had to do something.

So he bought the orchard. Many of the trees were nearly 200 years old and very rare, so for the next few years he studied how he could graft parts of several trees into one tree. It was a really complicated process, but after 5 years, he completed his first tree.

And in the spring, it explodes with white, red and pink blossoms before bearing plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, cherries and almonds.

There are now 15 more trees at various community centers and art galleries around the world. 

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