Source: Reddit
I (47F) and my husband (49M), divorced 3 years ago with 2 kids. We divorced because he was controlling and always got mad because I made more money than him.
After the divorce my kids wanted to stay with their father. I didn’t oppose their decision but since I made most of the money, before leaving I told my husband that he could keep the house but only for the kids. I would be the one paying the house for them.
During the first year of the divorce my kids that were now 15 and 16, always asked me for money. I always gave them some but after some time they started to ask me to pay more for the house (water and light), making me the one in the wrong for leaving them. I asked them why and they told me that their father wasn’t working anymore, that’s why they always came to my house.
I told them that I could not do that because I need money too. They called me all sorts of names and told me I was a bad mother for not helping them.
I didn’t talk to any of them for 2 years. During that time I got a new job and started to make a lot. One day I arrived home seeing my husband at my door steps. He didn’t even greet me, and he started asking for money. He wanted me to pay for the kids appartements and for me to give them monthly money for food. I told him that I would pay 2/3 of the price and he or they needed to pay too. He started telling me how selfish I was and that I didn’t love them. I got mad and told him that if they were too lazy to work and make money for themself. I would not be the one doing all the jobs for them. Am I Being Unreasonable?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: