
“Should I Have Done Something?”: Coworker Shames New Mom For Not Being Productive While On Maternity Leave, Wonders If They’re Right.

Raising children consumes a significant amount of your time and energy. It’s almost like a full-time job. A few of your acquaintances, though, may not agree, particularly if they do not have children. In fact, some of them may low-key humiliate you for not accomplishing “enough” during your maternity leave, regardless of how much you accomplished. That is exactly what occurred to one mother in this story. Read the story and what would you do in such a situation.

Source: Reddit

I am due to go back to work next week after 12 months of maternity leave. I had a quick zoom session last week with some colleagues and one of them asked me what I had done during mat leave and I said I had looked after DD but not got round to painting DS’ room (which I really wanted to do but never found time for).

Said colleague then went on about how some women start businesses/do renovations during mat leave and get loads of stuff done but it was nice that I got a chance to ‘relax’. At the time I laughed it off but the more I think about it the more annoyed I am with colleague and also myself.

I didn’t realise mat leave was meant to be a chance for me to reinvent myself but maybe it was and I’ve just been too lazy. It’s my second child and I feel even more exhausted than I did with DS (although I didn’t achieve anything with DS either during mat leave). Should I have done something?! DS goes to nursery 3 days a week otherwise it’s just me and DH doing childcare and DD hasn’t been the best sleeper until the past few months but maybe I have been making excuses. I do see women on instagram doing all sorts of stuff while they are on mat leave but I wonder how they find the time?! Do they have help??

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