A man in a relationship with a woman with a teenage daughter offers to drive her to an event, but when the daughter jokes with her friends about him being a creepy stepdad, he becomes upset and refuses to give her a ride home later that day, leading to a heated argument between him and his partner about responsibility and past mistakes.
Source: Reddit
I’m 37, and I’ve been in a relationship with a mid-40s woman (Amy, she doesn’t want to tell me her specific age, which I don’t mind) for about a year. She has a 17-year-old daughter I’ll call Jess.
Over the weekend, Jess had a school event and had asked me for a ride in advance. I didn’t mind in the slightest. I drove her over to the school and we had a nice chat in the car. When she got out though, a bunch of her friends were there, and she waved to me and shouted “Later, creepy stepdad!” with a huge smile. I think it was a joke to her friends? They laughed, and I stared awkwardly for a few seconds. Then Jess said, “Go, go!” literally shooing me away.
I drove home thinking whatever, but over time it started to really grate on me. I know that she wanted to just show off for them, but I didn’t want to be stuck in a car with a girl who considered me creepy in any way. I sent her a text around that time saying that she would have to find another way to get home.
She didn’t see my text for some time, but a few hours later she called me, asking for a ride. I told her that I couldn’t do that as I had had a couple of drinks (which was true). Then she half hung up on me and apparently called her mother.
Amy was busy working on something at the time, and told me that I needed to get over there and pick her up. I responded that she could walk, get a ride from her friends, or take public transportation. It was 8 p.m. in one of the safest cities in our country, and she was going to be fine. Amy then walked away, grabbed my keys, and drove off in my car, despite having a suspended license.
About 15 minutes later, Amy came home and shrieked at me about my treatment of Jess while Jess evacuated to her room. I told her that she really shouldn’t be driving with a suspended license, and Amy said she wouldn’t have to if I were more responsible. When I reminded her of why her license was suspended, she got furious (it’s a pretty touchy subject) and told me she’d leave if she had anywhere else to go. I brushed her off with a lame “that sounds like your problem,” and we haven’t talked since.
Was I being an AH here?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: