Teenager saves 8 more lives as Organ Donor who passed away while saving his family from fire. He was a Star.
As young as 17, Xaven Garica from Albuquerque, New Mexico have given up his life while saving his family from fire in their home. It was the tragic day of 14th November when Xaven, a high school senior lost his life as the fire smoke had chock-a-blocked his lungs. But since he was an organ donor, has now given a new lease of life to eight others.
Xaven Garcia and his father had slept on the sofa after they finish watching soccer but later his father woke up and went to his bed. When fire broke out in their home, Xaven came rushing to his father to let him know that they needed to get out of the fire.
Xaven’s father, Phil recollected that he himself was confused and could not in fact wake up when Xaven gripped him and started pulling him out of the house. According to his father, Xaven was a true hero to all of them.
Xaven and his father had eventually made it out safely but his father wanted to go back in the house to save Xaven’s sister. While going back into the burning home, his father told Xaven not to come behind him. But Xaven was afraid that his father would have collapsed and then ran in to the fire to help his father and his sister.
According to Xaven’s father, the smoke overtook and black smoke filled young Xaven’s lungs and killed him instantly since there were no signs of him struggling or suffering in any way. Later on, it was confirmed that the blaze was accidental in nature as a space heater caught fire before spreading to the rest of the house.
One fine day, Xaven just happened to notice a heart symbol on his father’s identity card that just pop up out of his wallet. When Xaven enquired, his father told him that identity card was for to be an organ donor if something tragic occurred. Xaven was brave enough and quickly said that he too, is going to get that and he was eager enough to be registered as an organ donor
After the accident, Xaven was kept on life support before his organs were donated. His family has been informed that Xaven’s spleen, kidneys, and other tissues will be used to help save others’ lives.
Xaven’s stepmom, Stacey said that it is heartening to know that he is saving more people’s lives and it makes their family sense a peace. Xaven had called her an hour before the mishap to say that he loves his mother and those were his last words were. Stacey very fondly remembers that Xaven loved his family dearly and he was into computers and skateboarding.
Prior to his organ donation, the medical staff at UNM hospital came out in numbers to partake in a special march to respect Xaven. His father said that it was an incredible thing and that they have not once heard of anything like this. They simply hope that whoever gets his son’s organs should treasure every instant of their life.
A movement has been on the go to help fund Xaven’s funeral. His Grandma, Susan Garcia has written that he was the benevolent and humble young man. He sought to be a designer and treasured video games.