
The Internet Applauds This Woman For Exposing Entitled Colleague Who’d Been Faking A “Sprained Ankle” For 2½ Weeks.

Source: Reddit

We had a coworker who always attempted to get out of doing just about every single task at our store. She had been there for about 15 years, so the managers just coddled her along because if they pushed her too hard, they knew she’d make a huge scene or file a lawsuit. It was absolutely ridiculous what this woman would get away with & it greatly irritated all the employees.

She came to work one day, complaining that she had sprained her ankle at home & would now require a chair to sit on between waiting on customers at the register.

It’s important to note that she did NOT have a doctor’s note for this “ailment”.

It also meant that she could no longer assist restocking shelves on truck day nor participate in removing sales tags & putting up the new sales tags, which are huge, time consuming tasks for the entire staff.

She’d just sit on her “throne” as we called it & read her trashy romance novels all day long when she didn’t have customers to ring up. Pretty cozy set up, right??

The rest of us were out on the floor working our tails off while she just sat there reading & munching on whatever snacks she brought with her that day.

After about 2 1/2 weeks of her whining about her still sore ankle, one day her husband was really late in picking her up after her shift, so she just gathered up her handbag, books & put away her “throne”.

As she is walking to the door to leave, she casually states to me, “I’m tired of waiting around so just tell my husband that I walked down to McDonald’s. I’m hungry, so he can just pick me up there!”

(McDonald’s is about 3 blocks down the road. Quite a distance for a person with a bad ankle to walk.)

20 minutes later, her husband arrived & asked the store manager where she was. The store manager had no idea & so he asked me!!

I told him the truth! “She said she was hungry so she walked down to McDonald’s to get something to eat. She told me to tell you to pick her up there! “

As the husband exits the store, the store manager turns around & furiously grabs her “throne”, throws it in his office, locks it & announces, “WE’RE DONE PLAYING THIS GAME!”

She never got her throne back after that incident & we all rejoiced when she finally quit a month later!


She had a ROYAL hissy-fit the next day over losing her throne!! (Pun intended!) The manager put her on a 90 day probation period for this stunt!

I wasn’t at work when the 💩 hit the fan, but my coworkers all said they could hear her screaming from inside the manager’s office & they were all laughing!

When she finally emerged from her tongue-lashing in the manager’s office, she was very quiet & moped all day, trying to gain sympathy from the customers until the manager stopped her by stating, in front of the customers…”If you’re healthy enough to walk 3 blocks to McDonald’s, you’re healthy enough to do your job standing like everyone else! Any more comments on this & I’m sending you home!”

She was so furious that she called in “sick” for the rest of the week!

Finally, the store manager called & told her that if she didn’t report to work for her next shift, he’d demand a doctor’s note for her 4 day absence or fire her. He also reminded her that she was on probation, so she better get healed real quick!

She came to work the next day, miraculously healed! IT WAS A MIRACLE!

Next, the store manager assigned her to work some closing shifts (with me!!) because she always refused them before. The manager told me in confidence that he did this because he knew I wouldn’t allow her to “slack off” on the closing shift duties! He was correct!

During the entire shift, I kept reminding her of the duties she had to complete before she left & she kept telling me that she’s just going to leave when her husband comes to get her. “Fine! But only if you’ve completed all of your job! We can both stay here all night if that’s what it takes! The choice is yours. I’m not the one on probation!”

When she realized that she wasn’t going to get around me, she finally got busy & again….ANOTHER MIRACLE! She completed all her tasks before closing!!

2 weeks later, she gave notice! The Queen finally gave up her throne! 😂😂

EDIT #2:

Just so we’re clear, the Queen’s throne was a simple folding chair. It sat too low to run the register from a seated position, so she had to stand to ring customers out.

EDIT #3:

The Queen could’ve used her throne to helped us out by at least restocking candy at the register counter but she refused, saying it was too much for her to move her throne around like that!! (We offered to move it for her, but she claimed she didn’t want to disrupt our work!)🤦🏻‍♀️

She enjoyed dictating orders from her throne. She would constantly call us to the front like we were her personal servants, knowing she was disrupting our work!

“I’m thirsty! Get me a Coke out of the cooler!”

“I’m hungry! Grab me a bag of chips & a couple Slim Jim’s!”

“I’m bored! Go see if the new PEOPLE magazine came in yet on the magazine rack!”

If anyone found some task she could do while sitting, she would drag the task out all day & still never finish it! Now mind you, these were extremely simple tasks that a normal person could’ve completed them in 10-15 minutes, but not the Queen!

The Queen, sitting all day on her throne wasn’t the real issue here. We were more than accommodating with her constant disrupting demands, it was her flat out refusal to do any work at all!

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