Nobody is immune to the odd mix-ups that occur from time to time. Getting someone else’s order mixed up with yours is something that may happen to anyone. But what if someone does so on purpose and even admits to doing so only to try out the waters? In this story the person described their experience with an entitled parent who thought it would be a good idea to take somebody else’s meal and sample it before purchasing something for herself and her children. Read the story and let us know what your views are on this situation.
Source: Reddit
This happened a while ago and something reminded me of it today. Buckle in, it’s a wild ride…
At my job, we used to always rotate getting coffee for our team from the Starbucks down the street. I was oh-so-fortunate to have it be my turn this day. Everyone placed their online orders and when I arrived to pick up the order, the place was SLAMMED so I walked over to where you wait for online pickup orders. The barista (SB) who was there knows us since we go so often and knows that it’s one cup holder for those same 4 names and drinks every time. He was super apologetic and explained they were behind because they had gotten a sudden rush and were short-staffed. No problem. I can wait. While waiting, I decided to use the ladies room and when I came back, I saw a drink holder with my order….and someone else grabbing it and carrying it to her table. I knew this was my order because it was the exact same combo of drinks we always got.

Thinking it was an honest mistake, I approached this woman (EM) and saw she had 2 young girls with her, sitting at the table. EK1 is maybe around 4ish and EK2 is probably closer to 8 or 9. This is where it gets weird. *Note: They did not grab straws yet*
Me: Maam, I’m sorry but I think you might have grabbed my order
EM: We are NOT waiting in that line and you clearly didn’t want it.
EK2: Yeah finders keepers, losers weepers!
Me: Um….no. I went to the bathroom real quick while I was waiting but that was definitely my order (I could see the names on the sides of the cups).
EM: Well how are my girls supposed to know what they want unless they get to try it first? They were just sitting up there with nobody claiming them so they were abandoned. They should at least be allowed to sample them. Grab me some of those straws since you’re just standing around.
Me: So you’re saying that I should either just give you my order or allow your kids to try them before taking them?
*At this point, the barista has realized something is going on and comes over to the table.
SB: I’m sorry ma’am but there seems to have been some sort of mix up. This is her order. If you can tell me the name of yours, I’d be happy to get it for you.
SB: That’s not how this works. I’m sorry, but those are drinks that are already paid for by someone else. They aren’t free samples. You’ll need to place an order of your own.
EK1: Mooooommy!!!! I want the chocolate one!!!!!
EK2: NO I want the chocolate one!!!!
EM: See! My kids are thirsty and that line is just way too long to wait in, especially if they don’t even know what they want.
Me: *realizes that the “chocolate” drink the kids are pointing at is literally 8 shots of espresso over ice with some almond milk and a drizzle of chocolate syrup, so I know they aren’t going to like it and will probably freak out and not want anything* Ya know what? You’re right. Asking you to wait like everyone else is just unacceptable. Go right ahead and try that one. I don’t mind.
At that point, the younger kid grabs the cup, removes the lid, takes a huge gulp, immediately gags, goes to put the cup back on the table and spills it all over EM. EM grabs the kids and drags them out, screaming about how I tried to poison her child. I stuck around and helped SB clean up the mess as I definitely contributed to it and he remade the drink for me. When I got back to work, my coworkers asked if I got lost because I was gone so long. That was probably the highlight of my week.